
Tensorflow is a opensource library for machine learning base on an original library by Google(core in C++ with bindings in Python): Tensorflow.js is a javascripts library capable of learning in the browser with training sets and test sets. Tensors are numbers eg; number, vectors, matrixs. These tensors are used not by the GPU(graphical Processing Unit).GPU make use of the WEBGL library based in OPENGL Technology. Images are sets of numbers in matrix, every single pixel is a RGB alpha(transparency,opacity) numbers. With the training sets we have thousands of sample images that are used for training newral network. Every hidden layer of the neural network is adiferent feature, eg; Contour,cornets,groups of pixels. After training the tensors are been optimised with a function producing the minimum distance between all the images like in a linial regression or polinomial regression. As a students you need to explain an example using neural network eg; MNIST example uses sixty thousand training images of twenty eight pixels of numbers and ten thousand examples of test images.

This is an example of a computer vision software developed at our school capable of analyzing high performance thin layer chromatography, that is to analyze the composition of a plant automatically from HPTLC

what is my homework? To fin a diferent exemple of neural network, using tensorflow.js or teachable machine or ml5.js or any other related library

MNIST data base